Saturday I participated in the Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society in Eagle Rock High School. It was quite a day. I joined in with the Survivors for the first lap around the track (walking of course, no one was running) and kept on going. I ended up doing 30 laps for the day for about 7 1/2 miles. In all it was about a 12 hour day but a very full one. For many laps I was joined by a little girl wearing a Survivor t shirt like mine, except her t shirt came down to her ankles. It was very moving to see her going around and around the track sometimes with someone and sometimes alone and holding her little bead lanyard as she walk. She probably had more beads than me.
When I was getting tired I saw a man with two artificial legs walking the track and I got my second wind. I started at about 9 am and I was going to leave at around 7:30 pm when I met a friend of mine who was just arriving to play in the next band. I stayed until 9 and his band was great.
I wasn't nearly as sore the next day as I thought I would be. Maybe it is my walking half an hour every day.