Thursday, October 25, 2007

Doctor's appointment Nov. 20th

I finally heard from my doctor. I have an appointment Nov. 20th four days after my last BCG treatment, for him to answer my questions. He won't know the results of the BCG for a while but I will at least get an idea of my chances of it working. It will be strange - I may find out how I will be living the rest of my life on that day, less than a month away.

I am not sure I really want to know that but I guess I need to know.

1 comment:

theridion said...

Yes, this is a heavy time to deal with sounds like...using all the AA tools paramount day atta time. I'm supportive as you've been there for me in your own way(with the after the pink cloud clan) in the past. Great costume for Heidi...groovy!