The dreaded surgery date gets closer and closer. However, we still continue to make merry with the time left. The above photo is at Ports of Call in San Pedro yesterday where we shopped, ate fresh fish and scallops, and had a great time.
This is me hard at work this week. Did I tell you that when I was a kid were were very poor. We were so poor that I had three sisters and they were all named Sheridan. We could only afford one name.
Well, in less than 16 days I go into the hospital. Today I talked with a guy who went through the surgery 5 years ago! He seemed OK, so maybe I will be too.
I was thinking today that God gave me the gift of life 68 years ago, and then gave me a new gift of life 32 years ago when I joined AA, and on Jan. 15 God gives me another new gift of life with the surgery. I guess I had to deal with the first two gifts of life, and now I have to deal with a new and different one next year.
Including today, there are only 19 days until I go into the hospital and into the start of my new life. I spoke with one lady who had the surgery and is doing OK, and emailed with one guy who is doing OK, but still waiting for a couple others who said they would contact me.
This morning we are off to Las Vegas to feed the poor starving slot machines and visit an AA friend. Last night spent at a nice party with friends at CNN with good food and good conversation.
I am thinking that maybe I will do with the up coming surgery as I did with my first surgery. I sent money to several needle exchanges for them to buy the syringes, so someone else might be saved from HIV/AIDS and live, should I not live through the surgery.
Monday night my doctor called and answered most of my questions, and I guess I made the right decision about the surgery.
He said I will go into the hospital Jan. 14th and have the surgery Jan. 15th (a Tuesday). I am not looking forward to the surgery or finding out what my life might be after the surgery, but I have a little of peace of mind knowing that things are set. Now all I have to do is show up (I would say suit up and show up but actually it is more like be naked and have a doctor cut into me with knives). Before the surgery date I will donate blood for myself over at Kaiser Hospital, in case it is needed, as a safety issue.
Now I am going to make the most of the rest of my time. Will go to Las Vegas this weekend and later Disneyland's California Adventure, and other stuff.
Today after waiting since last Tuesday for a surgery appointment date from my doctor, I called the nurse and she knew nothing about the surgery. She told me to call the hospital scheduler and she knew nothing about the surgery. So I left a voice mail and email for my doctor.
I have to fight to have a surgery I need, but really don't want. How depressing is that. I walked several blocks over to an Office Depot store and got three picture frames. I will frame some pictures I took of my sisters and me, and give them to my sisters for Christmas.
(Note: No animals or humans were hurt during my walk to the store, purchase of the frames, or walk back to my office.)
Well, the nurse was supposed to call Wednesday with the surgery date and here it is Friday and almost time to go home and still no call. Still with unanswered questions and still with no way to make plans for the future.