Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Less than 19 days to go

Including today, there are only 19 days until I go into the hospital and into the start of my new life. I spoke with one lady who had the surgery and is doing OK, and emailed with one guy who is doing OK, but still waiting for a couple others who said they would contact me.

Either way I am committed.


theridion said...

Great to see are a noble example of Program in action, especially of recent. Wishing you a happy, joyous and free week. The Armenians celebrate Xmas up to January 6...may as well extend beyond the small 24 hour holiday. cheers

Anonymous said...

I second what your friend says about you being a noble example of Program in action. I am off until the 31st but I am here sending you my very best wishes Sheridan, for a year of health, peace, laughter, love, and success! Hey, maybe you and Tony can join my group next year when we feed the homeless at Christmas time.