Thursday, March 6, 2008

Just a little update

Went to the hosptal yesterday for physical therapy and learned the exercist I have to do each day. Talked with the Urology nurse and she reassured me about my recovery and we even had a nice talk about stained glass. She had made some pieces and I told her about the things I had made. I came home and took pictures of some of my windows and will take them in to her the next time I get over to the hospital.

I have been out of the house 7 times since getting home from the hospital, three doctor's appointments and 4 AA meetings. Maybe this week I will get over to get a hair cut.

I am still taking things a day at a time and that seems to work. This morning I seemed to have a little less pain in my abdomen, the site of the surgery.


Anonymous said...

It's great to hear you have been out a few times already Sheridan and more than anything, that you are already going to meetings. One day I hope to have one of your beautiful stained glass windows in my house in Ensenada. Maybe a large one so you guys can pay me a loooong visit! Even if you choose a very tiny place in my house so you won't have to work too hard on it, would be wonderful. Perhaps the door to the pantry? I really like the ones you made for your house. Anyway, I am glad to hear that you are doing better and I hope to see you as soon as I get back from Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheridan,
How are you doing these days? When are you coming back?

theridion said...

You are doing great Sheridan...excellent share yesterday...keep up the growth one day atta time!