Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our dear friend is gone

On Wednesday, Feb. 4th at 4:25 am our dear doggie and friend - Heidi - died. Her unconditional love and good spirits were our treasured gift from God for over 15 years. She will be greatly missed.


theridion said...

Great little dog. If I ever wanted a dog, I would consider finding one like her. You're doing good tonite Sheridan...amongst the group. Check the rapper stuff there's even Latin rap combo bands (since maybe 9 years ago). A lot of groups I will have to look at. I like Ice Cube/Ice T I think.Stuff like Chingo Bling and Control Machete and Hurricane G.

MightyMoMoMonicaBeee said...

Please accept my condolences in the loss of your beloved Heidi. I feel like I knew her personally and I am sad to hear that she has passed away. - MonicaB