Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Time flies when you are having fun

Time flies when you are having fun. I have been working hard trying to keep the Expo alive. I got out a bunch of letters to prospective sponsors, former sponsors, former exhibitors, etc. Now to wait for the results - and money, of course.

Still doing the exercises and recovering from the surgery. Can't drive yet and that is a bummer. Maybe I will try to work something out with the seatbelt. Also, I should try riding the bus to work to see if I can take the jolting - maybe experiment with sitting and standing up. If I did take the bus it would cut the gas bill down a lot and free Tony for doing something other than driving me to and from work.

AA birthday - June 23rd - is getting closer and I am planning to take cakes. I sure had an interesting year.

1 comment:

theridion said...

Awesome Sheridan: you are still growing and making positive change. I too, if I make it to Friday, will take a cake at the "bug house." A hard year but a lotta good growth and much more to do with a Higher Power. Wishing you well...