Monday, December 10, 2007

Frustrating day

Today after waiting since last Tuesday for a surgery appointment date from my doctor, I called the nurse and she knew nothing about the surgery. She told me to call the hospital scheduler and she knew nothing about the surgery. So I left a voice mail and email for my doctor.

I have to fight to have a surgery I need, but really don't want. How depressing is that. I walked several blocks over to an Office Depot store and got three picture frames. I will frame some pictures I took of my sisters and me, and give them to my sisters for Christmas.

(Note: No animals or humans were hurt during my walk to the store, purchase of the frames, or walk back to my office.)

1 comment:

theridion said...

You are showing a great example to all of us of courage, faith, fortitude, perseverence, and application of the steps in times of great contingent change.