Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Some times it is hard to get perspective on something when you are going through it - like dealing with cancer. But perspective is what makess things more liveable and workable, and also inserts a little reality. Reality, we sometimes don't realize, isn't always a bad thing.

Pavarotti had pancreatic cancer, one of the worst, and he managed to survive only about a year. I, however, have survived for more than three years and many more years likely. Also he had pain and I have not had pain, except during treatment or right after surgery.

In the New York Times yesterday and today there were articles on the lack of morphine to deal with pain in Sierra Leone and in India. The only time I had real pain was right after surgery and they gave me a shot of morphine with no problem.

I guess what I am really saying is that I have a lot to be grateful for. Things could be better and things could be worse, but that is life. For sure if I hadn't stopped drinking over 32 years ago I wouldn't be dealing with cancer, cause I would have been dead long ago.

Yesterday I talked with a friend of mine who is also dealing with cancer and it was an amazing conversation. Here were two sober AA members talking (meaning we were still alive) and being positive (what ever happened to the "poor me" syndrone), and enjoying life. Wow.

1 comment:

theridion said...

Happy 911 Sheridan...great article you just showed...yes, perspective the key and an anchor of gratitude for all we spiritually have. Going into reality farther and farther...it must get better with "no good pain, no gain." Great to have a hint of autumn coming on the past week.